The following are specific examples how ICT can be used for pedagogy and assessment to meet the Stage 6 English outcomes for the Standard and English Studies courses-
English (Standard):
Outcome 5 - "A student describes the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particluar texts." (NSW BOS, p.24, 2007)
Students could meet this outcome using ICT by creating their own blog and then following blogs that others have created for different purposes. Through this activity students would analyse each blog in terms of purpose, audience and context which would also help stuents to understand the ways different technologies and media of production affect the language and structure of particluar texts.
English Studies:
OBJECTIVE 4: "Students will develop skills in planning and working independently and collaboratively and reflect on learning.” (NSW BOS, p.9, 2009)
Group work using online collaborative programs such as Google Documents and Edmodo to share, create, edit and collaborate content for a class/group wiki. This would be dedicated to an interest of the class, obviously surrounding the study of particular texts and ideas.
The students would have opportunities to collaborate together online and face to face, bridging experiences for student self / individual direction as well as working as a team member. This caters for all types of learners as there are elements of individual and group work.