On the following pages you will find information about numerous ICT resources that can be used to engage students with Stage 6 English. The resources listed here are also useful tools to help students meet the Stage 6 English outcomes. These resources can be used to create teaching and learning activities as well as diagnostic, formative and summative assessment items. The resources on the following pages will also help students interact with various text types, such as, poetry, novels, drama and media.
1. How can ICT be used for pedagogy & assessment in Stage 6 English:
- Helps with the issue of content driven pedagogy, can take some tension off of this. For example the notion of flip teaching, where the students watch the vodcast/podcast and then have the background knowledge to go into the lesson and actively participate in their own learning.
- The BOS Syllabus states that Stage 6 English’s purpose is to “foster the intellectual, social and moral development of students.” (NSW BOS, p5),
- In the rationale they are encouraged to take control of their own learning. ICT allows for this to happen the teacher is no longer able to mystify learning. It is all there for the students to research and interact with themselves. It can help with issues of power and control in the classroom. Students are able to take control of their own learning with ICT skills.
- Industries and society expect students to have ICT literacies and the skills such as researching, collaboration and communication to use these. This is where ICT becomes imperative for English Stage 6 as it is all about communication. It states that part of its purpose is to prepare students for “further education, employment and full and active participation as a citizen.” (We all know that its purpose is more than that) but realisticly speaking, how can this be achieved without the use of ICTs in the Stage 6 English Syllabus?
- It allows for Problem Based learning (examples of this are webquests and film projects, group research and collaboration tasks using ICT resources)and student direction within this. These are examples of Assessment for learning rather than Assessment of Learning.
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