English as a Second Language (ESL):
Outcome 6 - "A student interprets texts using key language patterns and structural features." (NSW BOS, p.61, 2007)
ESL students could meet this outcome by listening to audio books. There are numerous sites where audio books can be downlaoded for free. For example:
- www.readingonline.org/electronic/webwatch/audiobooks/
- http://www.audible.com/t1/14DayGoldFT?source_code=GO1DG900YWS113010
- www.k12opensourceclassroom.org/?p=273 -
Fundamentals of English:
Outcome 8 - "A student uses a range of appropriate processes and technologies to investigate, organise and clarify ideas.” (NSW BOS, p.98, 2007)
By utilising wider resources available on the World Wide Web, online based educational communities and ICT based software students have access to an infinitely larger base of educational information than just within the school community. Students can also conduct research by utilizing academic journals and engaging with contemporary information and ideas. Students would have opportunities to collaborate together online and can also collaborate with other classrooms through the use of thing such as Skype, and video conferencing. The ability to utilize ICT within the Fundamentals of English classroom also allows for personalization and student direction within tasks, which in turn creates a quality learning environment and engaged learners.